Name: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) Dual Audio {Hindi-English} 480p 720p | 1080p| 2160p 4K UHD
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure, Magic
Duration: 2h 34m
Release Date: 2009
Language: Hindi + English
Starcast: Daniel Radcliffe Rupert Grint Emma Watson Jim Broadbent Helena Bonham Carter Robbie Coltrane Warwick Davis Michael Gambon Alan Rickman Maggie Smith Timothy Spall David Thewlis Julie Walter-s
Quality: HD
Description: During Harry Potter’s sixth year at Hogwarts, he finds a book that once belonged to the mysterious Half-Blood Prince that earns him the respect of his new Potions professor Horace Slughorn. In addition, Dumbledore must prepare Harry for the ultimate final confrontation by finding out the secret behind Voldemort’s power. Meanwhile, a hidden enemy waits in the shadows to carry out a mission given to him by the Dark Lord.